KTFMC Membership Directory Contract

    Advertiser Information


    Choose Ad Size


    * This is for industry related non-profits only. All ads must be B&W and will be in a non-profit section. Ad dimensions: 2.3975w x 3.1825h

    Ad To Be Supplied


    ** Supplying copies of ad with changes to be made at $50/hour charge, 1-hour minimum.

    Preferred Positions


    **Preferred positions available upon request**
    $500 premium for all covers; $250 premium for the first 10 full-page ads in the directory.

    Same position as 2022Please check availability of premium positions for 2023
    If you selected 'Same position as 2022', please describe it below:

    Category Selection


    Select the category you wish your ad to appear:

    Please note: Ads will appear in alphabetical order by category

    Send Ads To


    Files can be emailed to info@ktfmc.org or uploaded and shared via Google Drive or Dropbox.

    If you have any questions, please contact Jill Koch 859.948.7321

    View Conditions of Publication (*Required)

    Ad Space Contract Deadline: 9/30/2022
    Ad deadline: 10/30/2022